We are not thinking machines that feel, we are feeling machines that think
A [[system]] is a group of independent [[entities]] working together around a [[common goal]]#system-thinking
Instead of asking „who is doing what to whom” the system inspired leader asks „What is trying to happen?”
In the modern world and [[VUCA]] environments, it’s less important to have high individual [[IQ]], but [[Emotional intelligence]] and [[Social Intelligence]] are equally important.
in [[knowledge based organizations]] and VUCA world IQ remains important, but also more is needed for team and [[organization efficiency]]
It all starts from active and conscious shift from being more task and [[output driven]] to being more [[people driven]].
[[Emotional intelligence]] is the ability to be aware of your own emotions and taking responsibility for actions flowing from those
[[Social Intelligence]] is the ability to accurately read the emotions of others and the capacity to empathize
In tranditional [[command and control organization]] a common approach to address [[performance issues]] is to focus on [[individuals]], not underlaying [[system’s dynamics]].
The issue often doesn’t reside in the parts, but the interpendencence between them
It’s important to focus on building conscious and intentional [[relationships]]
By creating [[relationships]], you strenthen [[web of connections]] between [[team members]], so they can start thinking how to move forward together in a more [[efficient]] way.
Focus on [[people]] around you
Ask questions like
How do we want to do this?
What is important for us?
What is going to help us?
Start seeing people first of all as [[human beings]] rather than resources to get the job done.
This focus generates different and more sustainable results than by focusing on outcome and task only
The expectation that all the answers need to like with the [[manager]] is old myth and trap that many managers fall into.
They think that just because they are managers, they need to be able to respond to all questions
Nothing more false in ever changing world
That makes [[leadership]] a role that belongs to the [[system]] rather than the person with the word „leader” in their job title
That makes leadership so much easier, ligther and less stressful.
Five principles of Relationship Systems Inteligence #card#b:building-exeptional-products
Each [[relationship system]] has its own unique identity or personality
Every member of the [[relationship system]] (team or partnership) is a voice of the system
[[Relationship]] systems are naturally [[intelligent]], generative and creative
[[Relationship]] systems rely on roles for their organization and execution of functions
[[Relationship]] systems are in a [[constant state of emergence]]
The key challenge and opportunity in [[systems thinking]] is how to remain aware of all the systems in action in any given situation.
The numer of relationships can be overwhelming
It's crticial to be able to demarcate of who is in which system
Systems overlap creating even more complexity
Yes, because you can work in multiple teams and feel connected to one or the another
[[Wicked problems]]
Those are [[social problems]] or [[cultural problems]] that are hard or impossible to solve
There is no agreement between stakeholders on problem definition or possible solution
There is a [[3rd entity]] that you should consider, a [[relationship]] between you and me
You should switch focus from individuals to this 3rd entity
Ensure that every voice is heard, that it holds value [[Deep democracy]]
Take as principle that every voice counts and has wisdom
Every voice containts relevant information to consider, even if it sounds that should be marginalized
You might not like those voices too much
The system is intelligent, generative and creative - be sure that pepole understand that
They will wait for change, they will feel comfortable with uncertainty
[[Uncertainity]] precedes insight
People following those rules will sit in the fire and wait for insight to emerge
[[Relationship systems]] are living organism with its own needs
Those needs can be fulfilled with roles taken up by the individuals in the system
Definition of [[outer roles]] and [[inner roles]]#card
Outer roles are covering the jobs and tasks required to keep things running smoothly
Inner roles have emotional functioning of relationship system, like initiator, pursuer, visionary, distrupter, and finisher
Members in the system should regularly review and discuss role occupation and functioning, in [[outer roles]] and [[inner roles]]
Important implication of this principle is that [[leadership]] is also a role of the system
It does not belong to one person
Leadership can and should be assumed by all members of the system as a dance of leading and following
It's important to educate members of systems about this
You can populate roles, internal roles, external roles differently, because they belong to the system
[[Relationship systems]] are in a constant [[state of emergence]], always in the process of expressing their potential
With this principle people can normalize change as a natural event
It's important situation in VUCA world
[[Systems Inspired Leaders]] pay a lot of attention to revealing the system to itself, which makes it self-aware
So there is no need for intervention from outside of the system to make it self healing
Leaders responsibility is to deal skillfully with emergance, pausing, and distilling what is wanting to happen
When we identify what we want to happen, we prototype that, discover how the system reacts and then take it from there
S-CI-R-E-S model - five compertences of [[Systems Inspired Leaders]]#card
Seeing, Hearing and Sensing the System
Holding Concious and Intentional Relationship
Revealing the System to itself
Working with Conflict to Facilitate Emergence
Co-creating systems inspired Safety
First principle (Doing - Seeing, Hearing, and sensing the system) of Systems Inspired Leaders #card
See the systematic whole or constellation
Hear the system by holding every voice as an expression of the system and by creating opportunity for collective input
Sense what is happening in the culture and atmosphere of the relationship system at any given moment
Educate your team/organization on Relationship System Inteligence (RSI)
Practical ways to grow Seeing, Hearing and sensing the system competency
Shift the focus from the individual parts to the [[systematic]] whole
As a rule, consider all errors/failures/mistakes first as systematic event. Ask yourself How is this an expression of the system? What else is this happening in the system? What could be the systematic reasons for this? What about our team/organization is contributing to this failure?
Hear the system by holding every voice as an expression of the system and by creating opportunity for [[collective input]]
Value the contribution of each team member as an expression of the system
Try to look from 1st entity, 2nd entity and especially from [[3rd entity]]. Looking at relationship between entities will help you understand [[dynamics of the system]]
To feel 3rd entity imagine you are it, think about that does it experience, what does it need, what does it know what two other entities have forgotten about
This perspective enables you to look differently at the issue at hand and the actions you take
You can access the voice of the system directly and tap into its wisdom
Looking from 3rd perspective allows to cooperate between team members easlily, it requires preparation, understanding that „we” are something we should look at and learn from
Members of high performing teams are doing what is needed in the moment to serve the team purpose dancing felixibly together
You can look at [[sports team]], where players move dynamically to different positions, and they somehow autonamitcally know where their team members are
They pick best possition themselves for the team’s success
When working with people try to make them aware of „IT” - a team or department and ask them what that „IT” might need.
It enables another way of thinking about the group of people, not thinking about „I”
See the systematic whole or constellation
Try to identify relationship patterns based on people behaviour. Who is sitting where around the table, who has rich network, who is having conversations during the break.
Think about shifting that order intentionally
Check who is acting as a hub connecting different sub-systems, who has connections with the external world
Try to [[demarcate]] systems by drawing large circles and placing the members of the system in it (practice)
Start with you and see where you fit the best
Don't think too much
Place the other members in the systems
you can add forces, things, events that impact the relationship
use double line when relationship is strong
use one line when relation is average
use dots when relation is weak
use brake when there is a conflict
Think what you'd like to achieve in future in case of relationships
Sense what is happening in the culture and atmosphere of the relationship system at any given moment
In [[Systems Inspired Leadership]], we pay a lot of attention to how people feel and experience things
We change focus on monitoring changes in the atosphere or type of energy of a [[relationship]] system at any given moment
Leaders responsibility is to revel those changes to entities and make them a subject of conversation
Once the system is revealed to itself, it has potential for knowing how to self-correct or re-direct itself
by slowing down and reflecting on what has just happened the system becomes aware of itself and can make concious choices to change and break old patterns
There is old belief that emotions and feeling do not belong to workplace
[[Emotions]] are currency of relationships
People are first emotional beings
Tracking them and working with them is powerful and helps the system evolve
Disengagement is emotional response of the system
companies tend to solve disengagement issues with incentives/rewards and recognition programs
it's better to focus on "human experience" and bottom-up and personal approach to the workspace
“building on an understanding of worker aspirations [in order] to connect work back to the impact it will have on helping people achieve their aspirations.”
Use weather condition for understanding the atmosphere of different parts of the system
Ask open ended questions "What is happening right now?", "What are you becoming aware of?"
Let people find their own words to express the experience
It's important not to interpret what you experience, but to use neutral language